We are pleased to announce the launch of our ITeachWell e-learning platform. If you are a teacher or a headmaster and are concerned with the impact of technology on your classes and your schools, this platform is for you. Come and learn to cope with technostress  – the stress that arises from the use of technology (such as overload, work-life conflict or insecurity). Use this platform to make IT a positive experience in the classroom!

Our 8 instructors offer you for free over 360 contents (videos, documents, quizzes…) to help you tackle technostress. All the contents are available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Bulgarian and Latvian.

The e-learning experience is divided in four modules:

  • The introduction will present to you the ITeachWell Erasmus+ project (2021-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000032680) and its team. It will also introduce and define the “technostress” phenomenon.
  • In module 1, you will explore the concept of technostress in terms of the holistic teacher’s state of wellbeing in and outside school.
  • In module 2, you will explore how to bring the ITeachWell concepts into your pedagogical teams, with the help of Pedagogical Learning Communities (PLC), peer support and focus groups.
  • In module 3, you will discover ways to help your schools deal with the technostress of their teachers.

The platform is available at the following links:

We hope you will enjoy our content and remain at your disposal for any question.